Regulatory and Compliance
With the Healthcare industry being a highly regulated industry, companies must ensure that they comply with strict regulations, otherwise they stand the risk of stiff fines from the FDA and other governing bodies. Some requirements that Healthcare companies have for their vendors includes GDPR compliance, usage of approved content, and market-level terms of use agreements.
Using Approved Content in Adobe Connect
As the saying goes, "Content is King". Companies spend a great deal of time and money developing content for their products and services. This could not be more true for healthcare companies that must follow strict regulations that govern how content is disseminated to HCPs.
When it comes to enterprise software, many companies face challenges for reusing content. Typically, companies will store their valuable content in a Content Management System such as Veeva Vault. Content Management Systems provide many features to manage their content including management of content types, version control, permissions, metadata management, approvals. However, Content Managemement Systems typically do not provide functionality for webinars and 1:1 meetings. This is outside of the strengths of Unified Communicationrs Solutions such as Adobe Connect, Zoom and WebEx.
Organizations that wish to leverage their existing content from Content Management Systems in Webinars and 1:1 Meetings will have to resort to tedious workflows. This often includes having to download content to their desktops first and the share it in their online meetings. This poses several issues.
First of all, once a file is downloaded from CMS to the desktop, you will more than likely lose valuable data such as the document ID, product and therapy areas. Being able to track a document and its usage across different Channels is important for determining the effectiveness of your Content. This is true with Content in Webinars as you will want to determine how HCPs engage with your content, eg downloads or views.
Ensuring that Sales and MSLS share approved content. When Sales or MSLs download content from their CMS, there is no determining what they are sharing within a Webinar. In addition, manual content management poses the risk of using stale content.
CirruxSolutions provides Content Management Solutions that allows your organization to seamlessly leverage existing content from Veeva Vault in Adobe Connect. If you would like us to integrate another CMS instead of Adobe Connect, our professional services team can design and implement a solution for you.
Market-Level Terms of Use Agreements
Healthcare companies often have several products that they sell across multiple countries and regions in the world. Each country may have its own legal requirements that govern how companies engage with HCPs. As a result of this, Healthcare companies need to manage terms of use on a per-market basis.
Out of the box, Adobe Connect does not provide market-level terms of use. It’s terms of use feature only allows for a single language and is used system-wide across the account. As a result, organizations that wish to display terms of use for multiple markets will realize that the out-of-the/box functional does not meet their needs.
CirruxSolutions can provide solutions around turning your Adobe Connect installation into a true global web conferencing solution without having to purchase additional servers. By implementing custom workflows on top of Adobe Connect, we can create per-market terms of use for your webinars and 1:1 meetings. We can provide reports that show whether or not HCPs have agreed to the terms of use for a particular webinar or meeting as well.